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All messages are configurable in the messages.yml. Plugin uses MiniMessage format, you should really give a read to it's documentation.

Why MiniMessage?

Legacy colors has much less power and less readable, comparing to minimessage tags. They are more verbose, but giving you a lot of power. You can use translatable components, Make clickable and hoverable messages, and have gradients that doesnt look like a mess.


You can globally define a plugin prefix and use it everywhere. There's special placeholders for clan, clan member, and clan home, so you can get any information you need to display.

For example:

    preparation-title: '<first_display_name> <reset>vs <second_display_name>'


    accepter-message: '<prefix> <click:run_command:''/clan war accept <tag>''><red>Click here</red></click> to accept the request or run /clan war accept <clan_tag>'